Tuesday 16 November 2010


Loved this art work that I went to see last week. 
It's by an American artist called Chris Dean and if anyone is interested in going and having a look it's at:
Mauger Modern Art, 
81 Rochester Row, 
London SW1P 1LJ
Unfortunately the pictures I took do not do the artwork justice at all as they were all a 3D effect and changed as you changed your viewpoint. 
I loved the colour and abstract style along with the fact every piece was completely ambiguous. 
Here's a few of my favs..

Black Cherry Grenadine.

River Of Fire.


No Name.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Irving Penn.

I thought I would slip Penn's Miss Mouse photograph into my blog as I was looking for editorial inspirations for Jeremy Scott's AW09 collection - Mouse Trap. 
There is a really interesting video on SHOWstudio.com - a conversation between Nick Knight and Phylis Posnick about some of Penn's most iconic fashion imagery. 


Thursday 28 October 2010

A cold n' rainy day in London.

It has been FAR too long since I have posted anything on here but thought id share a few thoughts from my very soggy day out in London on Tuesday visiting Tate Modern and V&A.
Unfortunately the day passed me by much quicker than expected so planning on going back next week for a few exhibitions and to do street style shoots for my Tribes Project at Uni. 

First off, we went to Tate Modern and saw the 'Unilever Series' by artist Ai Weiwei which was 100 million of these hand crafted porcelain Sunflower Seeds spread across the floor of the Turbine Hall - symbolising the geo-politics of cultural and economic exchange today.  

During my time at the Tate I came across a small exhibition on a photographer called Bruce Davidson who shot a series of photographs in the early 1980's of people traveling on the New York subways. His intention was to show the beauty that co-insisted with the dangers on the subway and believed it to be a metaphor for the world he was living in. 

Next was Swiss - born photographer Robert Frank and a collection of contact sheets from his book 'The Americans' as well as other autobiographical photographic imagery. 

I loved how intimate his work is - especially the above print where he experiments with manipulation of the negative to create a completely different aesthetic. 

Finally, an exhibition at the V&A called Shadow Catchers which I strongly advise people to go and see if you are interested in Photography! This is an exhibition surrounding the skill of creating imagery through light without using a camera - using techniques such as:
- Chemigrams, 
- Gelatin- Silver Prints, 
- Photograms, 
- Digital C-Prints, 
- Lumimograms,
& Dye Destruction. 
Five photographic genius' work is displayed here, well worth £5 (£4 student)

Thursday 14 October 2010

Self Portrait

To continue with my Tribes project I have been asked to take a self-portrait.
I originally wanted to use film and my manual SLR but unfortunately did not have time and would have loved to develop the film myself so I cheated and used digital!

Topshop earrings.
Zara poncho.

I was pretty horrified with these when it came to loading them up but after a little (quite alot) of editing they haven't come out too bad. I feel they embody who I am quite well so work as self portraits. 

Saturday 9 October 2010

Hussein Chalayan at Spring Gardens.

This was an exhibition that I went to on Tuesday called 'B-Side' exhibiting some of Chalayan's recent work - although it was unfortunately lacking a little in terms of pieces,  it is still interesting and free. (I also recommend that people check out future exhibitions held there as it is a really nice personal space.)

In short, B-Side is an exploration into the body, movement and voyeurism and highlight Chalayan's fascination with form and process. It shows work from two previous projects: Anaesthetics & Inertia.

Anaesthetics - 1:
Geisha wig with cotton veil.
Edition of 3.

Anaesthetics - 2:
Red cotton dress. 
Edition of 3.

Anaesthetics - 3:
Blue cotton & silk chiffon dress. 
Edition of 3.  

Inertia Positive - 1,2,3:

Inertia Negative - 1,2,3:

(Images from the short film coming soon, just editing in Final Cut!)

Thursday 7 October 2010

Ohh Liv Tyler

So here's a cheeky little shoot of Liv Tyler shot by Marcus Mam - Both of which I love! 

I came across this shoot in my Photoshop class and seeing as we were covering the basics I thought id have a little play with one of the images. I increased the RGB contrast adjustments to make it a little punchier and used the burn tool for the majority to enhance the lips & make her eye makeup a little darker/smudgier as well as murking the water up a bit. I was after a glossier effect to the original but still keeping a rawness to the image. 

...And whilst im at it I thought id drop in a few extra shots by Marcus Mam of the gorrrrgeous Douglas Booth. (If anyone hasn't seen 'Worried About The Boy' the beginning of how Boy George got big WATCH IT! It's brilliant!)

Saturday 2 October 2010


So whats got my juices flowing today?

Salasai's Blu Collar Lovers AW10 & Fluorescent Adolescence SS11 collections.

I have spent most of my morning skipping around different blogs, online mags.. and a bit of online shopping.. trying to find 'what tribe I belong to.'
This is in aid of a project just handed to me at Uni based on style identity.
So I figured as I cannot define my style or what particular 'tribe' I feel I belong to straight away, I thought I would use my most easily available source and see what grabs my attention and New Zealand's Salasai did just that.

First off, a few favourites from Salasai's Blu Collar Lovers collection:

And a few favourites from Salasai's Fluorescent Adolescence collection: 

I Love The:
subtle tones, 