Thursday 7 October 2010

Ohh Liv Tyler

So here's a cheeky little shoot of Liv Tyler shot by Marcus Mam - Both of which I love! 

I came across this shoot in my Photoshop class and seeing as we were covering the basics I thought id have a little play with one of the images. I increased the RGB contrast adjustments to make it a little punchier and used the burn tool for the majority to enhance the lips & make her eye makeup a little darker/smudgier as well as murking the water up a bit. I was after a glossier effect to the original but still keeping a rawness to the image. 

...And whilst im at it I thought id drop in a few extra shots by Marcus Mam of the gorrrrgeous Douglas Booth. (If anyone hasn't seen 'Worried About The Boy' the beginning of how Boy George got big WATCH IT! It's brilliant!)

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